Monday, June 1, 2009

last day of first grade....

a little over a week ago, caleb finished up first grade. he had a great year and loved his teacher mrs. schimel. just to tell you how much he loved her....she went on maternity leave during spring break and didn't come back until 2 weeks before school was out. her first day back, caleb woke up dry-heaving and not feeling well. instead of crying about being sick, he cried because he didn't want to miss her first day back. he missed her "so very very much" as he put it.

every quarter he was on the principal's honor roll. he is well above all of the benchmarks for first grade. he also reached his goal of 25 AR points (a little cash incentive worked wonders) which is quiet an accomplishment considering he had to read at least 50 books to get that. the books on his reading level average about .5 points each.

he is excited for 2nd grade but i know he will miss first grade and mrs. schimel.

(sorry for the poor quality of the pics. lighting is horrible.)

side note: i really hate blogger...put stuff where i put it please.....


Brooke said...

i can't believe that kid will be in 2nd grade... man your getting old!

Anonymous said...

He's doing great. No mention of wanting to go home. He does remind me quiet often about how much money I owe him. Maybe I should keep a running tab on him (ha ha)Mom

Charity said...

Tell Caleb congrats on the AR points and doing so well in school. A great teacher makes such a HUGE difference in a little kids life. I hate when my pictures and words move around after I hit the post button!!