Tuesday, January 15, 2008

now that should make everyone safe!

so yesterday was crazy! it ended up that i didn't have to babysit so the boys and i set out early to do errands. we got done with what we could and then i had to get caleb to school. i dropped him off and left to do more errands. anyway, to make a long story short, i was on the road most of the day.

i finally get home (to stay) and go for a run. my legs are killing me! why? oh yeah, i realized that i hadn't had much water to drink but a lot of yummy dr. pepper and that doesn't fly in the desert. not smart summer you have to do better, okay?

so fast forward 8:00 pm---brandon and i finally got ALL of the christmas decorations packed away and put in the attic. meanwhile, troy is screaming his head off. why? who knows but needless to say he was put to bed shortly thereafter. so we all did our own thing until bed time. well caleb thought that because we said family prayer in our bed that he would get to sleep there. sorry kid but no!!!! so i raced him to his bed (just a little trickeration to get him in his bed)! he then said his prayers. he is bad about saying 1-2 things 3-4 times. so we had a talk about what prayers were and that he needs to think about what he is saying and asking Heavenly Father. so he proceeds to ask to keep the following people safe: his family, everyone, Jesus. before he ends his prayer he says: "help the soldiers to fight to keep us safe". he then ends his prayer and then looks at me. he had a big satisfied grin on his face and said, "now that should make everyone safe", the faith of a child.

so i went to bed with alot to think about. in this time of uncertainty and fear, it is comforting to know that we have our Father in Heaven to turn to. and to the soldiers, thanks for answering the call to defend and protect.....

1 comment:

n!c said...

that is such a cute prayer : )