Monday, April 14, 2008


yesterday, we loaded up in our "not new but new to us" car to go to brandon's parents house. i went to close the garage and noticed a funny look on brandon's face. he jumps out of the car and i look in to see this.....

someone broke into our car and stole the face plate off of the stereo, either friday or saturday night. looking closer we noticed that the panel was cracked and the stereo was bent in a few places where they had tried to pry it out. obviously they didn't get the stereo but took the face plate so that it won't work. luckly that's all they got. all of brandon's tools for work were in the trunk and one of his pay stubs got left in the car (it has his ssn on it) but weren't bothered.

we felt a little violated and i dreamed about things happening all night long. what do you do???


Charity said...

you might want to keep an eye on your credit. sometimes people take your information and leave the cards, checks, etc. so no one suspects anything. i'm sorry that happened. it would be very unsettling.

Charity said...

just saw the weather...are you guys burning up yet?

Stacy said...

I hate that!!! Someone stole ours off the golf cart too. Teenagers are my best guess. She's right about your credit, keep your eye on it. I'm sorry that happened.

Miranda said...

I'm so sorry. I know exactly how you feel. Someone broke into our car right after we moved to Connecticut. They took all our CD's, sunglasses, and some loose change. Yes, definitely keep a check on your credit.

Chad~Nicole said...

Oh, sorry...did you need that? I'll return the face plate today. :) (Hopefully that's funny to you...and you don't think I'm a jerk.)

Mindy said...

Lynn just asked if that was our car... hmmm... civic? we had someone steal the "H" off of our civic... there are two too many idiots out there!

Kyle said...

That totally stinks...a couple of months ago Bensons truck was broken into..I felt totatlly violated!