Wednesday, February 6, 2008

our troy boy

the other day i had this guilty feeling come over me about my blogging. i realized that i have another child other than caleb that i don't think that i have mentioned that much. so here's to troy.

he is soooo sweet. we can't decide if he's a mommy's or daddy's boy. when troy hears the garage door open (brandon coming home) he perks up like a little puppy. he knows that daddy is home. he crawls to the door and whines until brandon picks him up (maybe he is a puppy). but before long the only person he wants is mommy. he is definately more cuddly than caleb ever was or will be. in the last few days he has developed his "silly" face and pretend laugh. he is so funny! you wouldn't be able to tell from pictures but the kid is a bottomless pit and a scavenger. he is always looking for food. he will stand in front of his high chair and eat the stray cheerios, raisins or whatever that fell into the seat. brandon told troy that he was going to have to get a second job just to be able to feed him! yes he eats that much! no plate of food goes unnoticed with that kid.

one of the greatest things is that he adores his older brother. troy will follow caleb all day long! caleb lets him play in his room and makes him laugh all the time. he endures torture from caleb and always goes back for more.

we waited so long to get him here and we are loving every minute with him. we love our troy boy..........


Chad~Nicole said...

I found you. I sent you an "invitation" to read my blog.

Mindy said...

my fav about troy... his hair!

Charity said...

I love these pictures of Troy! How did he get so lucky to have the best hair color in the world? ;)